Rules & Regulations
1. Eligibility
Participants must be experienced riders and be in excellent physical condition to participate in TransRockies Gravel Royale (TGR). Minimum age to enter the race is 15 years.
2. Categories
All categories must have a minimum of 5 entries on May 1, 2024 or they will be combined with another category - a category with more than 5 entries may be combined with another category with less than 5 entries)
4 Day Solo Categories (Male and Female):
Pro Elite Women - Full Pint Only
Pro Elite Men - Full Pint Only
Under 50 Women - Full or Half Pint
50+ Women - Full or Half Pint
50+ Men - Full or Half Pint
Non-Binary - Full or Half Pint
Adaptive - Full or Half Pint
E-Bike Non-Competitive
All ages are calculated as of the first day of the event.
Teams and individuals are not permitted to change their category once the first stage of the event begins. It is the riders’ responsibility to ensure they are in the correct category prior to the start of the race, or they will be subject to disqualification.
3. Withdrawal
Teams or individuals who cannot continue the race or wish to withdraw for whatever reason must inform the race organizers (race office) immediately at the start, checkpoints or finish.
If one team member quits but the other team member wishes to continue, the participant may form a new team combination with another racer or continue solo. These newly formed teams or solo entries do not qualify for a placing, daily or overall prizes, but the results of their finish will be listed as unclassified and they will receive a finisher T-shirt and medal.
In the event you need to withdraw from the race you must contact one of the following immediately:
Inform one of the TGR Medical team personnel.
Inform one of the TGR personnel at one of the check points.
Inform the Race Office.
TGR will not be responsible if you drop out and inform another participant. If you do not inform one of the above contacts we will be required to start a search and rescue at your expense. If you withdraw from the race the organizers will ensure that you are transported to the closest town, from which you are responsible for your own transportation back to the start.
4. Environment
Littering of any kind is prohibited. This includes Gel and Energy Bar wrappers and applies to the racecourse, as well as staging locations. Washing of bikes or clothing in rivers, streams and lakes is prohibited. Every participant who is caught disregarding the environment will be fined with a two (2) hour time penalty at first offence and disqualification at second offence.
All riders must wash their bikes following each stage. Bikes are a known vector of spread for invasive plants. The washing of all equipment (bikes and shoes) is required at the end of each stage before people move into a new area. Washing should be done in a central location, preferably paved or hard gravel surface. This measure is to prevent the spread of invasive plant species between sites through seeds and plant parts attached to equipment.
IMPORTANT: In the case of environmental concerns, the organizers have the right to make changes to the route on short notice due to fire bans/closures, weather, wildlife concerns, unforeseen construction or other circumstances beyond our control, safety or other reasons. TGR has the right to cancel, delay or re-route the race. Participants will not be reimbursed in the event of an environmental situation that is out of TGR control. In case of cancellation of a race leg, participants will be transported to the next stage location.
Smoke from fires, whether nearby or distant, may impact the event, and conditions can vary from location to location. If wildfire smoke is present, we will use the Canadian AQHI rating from the closest reliable source to measure air quality. If the AQHI is 7 or higher at the time of the start, the stage will be canceled. If the AQHI is less than 7 but higher than 4, the race director may modify the stage by neutralizing or shortening it in the interest of rider safety.
5. Liability
Each participant is responsible for his/her own safety and security. The organizers, sponsors and event personnel are in no way liable for injury or damage incurred to the participants. A stipulation to participation in the event is that the rider agrees to take responsibility for risks against his/her person and his/her belongings when participating in the race, and give up any right to claim from persons, institutions, or companies running or having run TGR. The organizers, sponsors, volunteers and event personnel are not responsible for any injury or damage that may occur during the event, cancellations, delays or rerouting due to environmental concerns. Each participant will be required to sign a waiver and an athlete release upon registration declaring that they take full responsibility for, risk of injury, to themselves or their equipment and any lost or stolen items. Participants must be in good health and be experienced, well-trained mountain bikers. All participants are responsible for their own health and travel insurance. In the case that a search and rescue or medical evacuation is required the participant will be responsible for any expenses incurred.
6. Start Numbers
Start numbers (members of teams have the same start number) must be mounted on the handlebars. The start numbers must not be trimmed or altered in any way.
7. Sponsorship & Branding
Participants may wear sponsor logos on their clothing, bike helmets and bike. Unauthorized signage of any kind is not permitted in start and finish area, checkpoints, stage locations or venues.
8. Start
The start staging begins 30 minutes before the starting time specific to each stage. The daily briefing for all participants begins 15 minutes prior to the start time. Note that there is also a daily course briefing each evening, going over the next day’s stage. See your schedule for briefing times. The start will remain open up to 5 minutes after the start time listed for each day. Teams starting up to 5 minutes after the designated start time will be measured according to the official start time. Teams who start later than 5 minutes after the official start time will not be considered in the overall results. Teams and solo riders will be self-seeded for all race stages. It is the responsibility of the rider to place themselves in the starting queue according to their speed and ability. As a courtesy to other riders and a contribution to event safety, riders are strongly encouraged to place themselves honestly within the start queue.
9. Checkpoints
Checkpoints will be located on the course on each stage. Each stage will have 2 checkpoints. Checkpoints will include a neutral feeding station, and a feed zone and tech support location for team support personnel. Outside support is not permitted at other points on course. Checkpoints will offer water, electrolyte drink, fruit and other energy foods. It is recommended that all participants carry additional food and drink with them in case of emergency or running out between checkpoints.
At each checkpoint all riders (both members of each team) must report. Teams and riders who do not pass one of the checkpoints (for example because they have lost their way) will receive a time penalty of 60 minutes for each check point missed. The official’s panel reserves the right to impose a higher or lower time penalty in special cases.
Team participants will be recorded together at the checkpoints in the order of arrival. Should one participant arrive prior to their team-mate, he/she must wait at the entrance to the checkpoint until his/her partner arrives, within the allowable time limit of two minutes. Otherwise, the 60 minute time penalty will be assessed.
10. Finish
At the finish of each stage, team participants must cross the finish line together with number plates visible on the handlebars. Teams or individual riders who arrive at the finish after the finish time limit due to exhaustion, repairs, injury, etc., but who are still riding their bikes will receive the maximum racing time (from official starting time to finish-time) plus 60 minutes. They are eligible to continue racing the following day. Teams or individual riders who can prove a severe defect or injury and arrive at the finish in a different vehicle than their mountain bike, will receive the maximum racing time (from official starting time to finish-time) plus 120 minutes, and can continue the race the following day.
Riders who finish a stage on a bicycle other than the one they started on will receive maximum time plus 60 minutes.
If one team member drops out of the race but the other team member wishes to continue, the continuing rider may continue as a solo unclassified rider and receive a finisher t-shirt and medal. Each participant must start each stage to qualify for a finisher t-shirt and medal.
11. Riding on Open Roads
The race will take place on public roads. Each participant is to obey all traffic laws in effect and yield to motor vehicles with right-of-way at all times. The race organization strives to keep the start and finish area clear of vehicle traffic, but be aware that people and their vehicles sometimes don’t adhere to traffic barriers and course marshals.
12. Safety Rules
Slower participants are required to make way for faster racers.
Blind portions of the course must be ridden with caution.
Be prepared to brake during steep downhills.
Repairs must take place in a visible area, outside the normal riding lanes.
Changing lanes is not allowed in the lead-up to the finish line.
Course hazards are often not marked. Ride in control and be prepared for possible course hazards.
The use of any ear buds or headphones while on course is prohibited. Wearing headphones, even at low volumes, is a serious safety issue when it comes to wildlife/human encounters. Even wearing a single earbud can prevent a cyclist or runner from hearing warning signs for nearby wildlife.
These rules primarily serve to assure the riders’ safety. Violating these rules can also lead to subsequent time penalty or disqualification from the race.
13. Pulling / Pushing
While it is allowed for team members to support each other by pushing or pulling manually, it is prohibited for safety reasons to use any kind of device or mechanical aide to do so. There will be repeated checks at the start and along each daily stage to ensure compliance with this regulation.
14. Protest and Jury
Each participant can file a protest in writing against other teams for disregarding the rules or against decisions of the Officials Panel. Protests can be filed at the Race Office up to the finish time limit of each stage. Witnesses should be named. A jury panel of three members will debate the protest and render a decision prior to the start of the next stage. The protest fee is $50 Canadian. The fee will not be reimbursed unless the protest is upheld. The Officials Panel can also rule on an infraction observed by a race official or TGR Crew Member.
The Officials Panel will consist of the Race Director, the Timing Director, Race Office Manager, and one of the following: a) athletes representative, b) Course Crew Chief. The Panel may decide to take one of the following actions: a) no action, b) impose a penalty or penalties, c) award a time credit, or d) neutralize the stage results for some or all categories (in extreme cases). The Panel may call on racers, crew or spectators as witnesses.
15. Penalties and Suspensions
The Officials Panel, in consultation with the race organizer reserves the right to issue warnings, fines, relegations or disqualifications for participants and teams when one of the following applies:
Technical defects with the equipment
Participant health problems
Violating rules and regulations of the event
Unfair or unsportsmanlike conduct
Any disregard for the environment
Disregard for traffic rules
A communique will be posted after each stage at the catering hall/tent and at the race office motorhome with any applicable penalties. One member of the Officials Panel will be positioned at the start line before the start each day and also at each finish line to be available for questions and/or protests. The Race Director may be contacted through the race office motorhome if not easily found at the finish line.
Short cutting of trails is prohibited (Riders who inadvertently deviate from the marked route must return to the marked route at the same place where they left it. Riders who rejoin the route at a point past where they left the course may be subject to a time penalty at the discretion of the officials panel.)
16. Bike Mechanical
Riders should be prepared to perform regular maintenance and repair (i.e. changing brake pads, replacing chains, cables, etc.). We strongly recommend that you start the challenge on a mechanically flawless bike. Please note that we do not offer technical support at checkpoints. Independent service providers will be set up in the TRC expo area, providing mechanical support on a user-pay basis, should you require assistance. Limited spare parts will be available for purchase..
17. Team Ranking
All participants of the TGR team will start in teams of two (does not apply to solo). Both participants on each team must appear together at the start, at all checkpoints and at the finish. If this does not occur, the team will not be considered in the daily results. Should one team member arrive more than two minutes before their partner at one of the control points, the team will be given a 60 minute time penalty.
18. Safety Equipment
CSA (or equivalent: Snell, ANSI, etc.) certified bicycle helmets are compulsory at all times.
Bear Spray is not compulsory, but recommended.
19. Bike Computer
Altimeter and GPS: TransRockies Gravel Royale is a race where participants will follow a preset route with the help of course markings. Maps are provided for backup and reference. Please note that we use a variety of methods for calculating distance and elevation gain, and map measurements may not match your personal measurements. Data may vary due to differences in personal calibrations and measurement methods.
20. Participant Support
Participants may bring friends, family or tech support during the race. If the participants wish to purchase a meal package for friends, family or tech support they can purchase the package prior to the race. Participant support crews will be responsible for their own accommodation and transportation to each stage location.
21. Route Marking
The route will be marked by a combination of a) Pin Flags or Flagging Tape b) Arrow signs. It is the rider’s responsibility to follow course markings and be aware of direction changes.