Mark Hall of Fernie’s Gearhub Sports
Mark Hall
“If I could think of one word to sum it up, it’s quality” that’s according to Mark Hall, owner of Gearhub Sports in downtown Fernie. Hall was asked what’s cool about his hometown and he didn’t hesitate. “It’s the people. They’re friendly, outgoing, real. The community that’s rooted here and the recreational additions in the valley, like the bike trail networks and skiing- there’s just so much quality.”
It Meets Spec.
Hall has been in the ski and bike industry his entire life. After growing up in Montreal, he felt a pull from the giant, adventure filled Rockies and at age 19, Hall moved out West. His first stop was Lake Louise. “I spent ten years there doing everything mountain sports had to offer.” Hall honed his outdoor shop skills fitting boots, purchasing gear and recreating, a lot. When it became time to move on, he looked for a new mountain town to call home.
For Hall it was clear, the little town of Fernie had something different about it. “A small town feel, close knit vibe. Obviously the skiing and riding here is pretty epic.”
Gearhub Sports
Dropping In
Hall’s first five years in Fernie were spent managing yet another ski and bike shop. “I’d been running other people’s shops forever.” It was finally time to do things his own way. First, he found the perfect spot. “We found this old garage with really unique glass bay doors. It faces south so it gets a lot of sun.” In a mountain town, that matters. “We have great views, our own parking lot. We set it all up from scratch.” Hall’s years of learning and paying his dues meant he had established lasting relationships within the outdoor industry. So when it came time to open his own shop, the industry got behind him. Things have gone very well. In Gearhub’s first ten years, they’ve grown to be among the top ten independent outdoor ski and bike shops in Canada.
Service Is The Sauce
Gearhub’s customer service model isn’t to sell gear, rather it’s to serve the community. “It’s genuine. We are people’s trusted advisors. They come here looking for information and expertise. If we do that well, which we do, people naturally come back, it’s just a better experience. We exceed expectations at every opportunity, it changes everything.”
Gearhub athlete and employee, Dylan Bailey
Giving Back
Gearhub works hard to support the community that supports them. “We step up whenever we can.” Whether it’s supporting youth sports or outdoor advocacy, or an ultrasound scanner at the local hospital, Gearhub leads the charge in community donations and support. “When you do what’s right, good things will come.”
Among the local athletes GearHub supports are Gravel Royale racers, Jena Greaser and Dylan Bailey. These two are fast, they’ve both competed at the top levels of cycling. But what made them ambassadors for the shop runs deeper than results.
“When I see true passion, devotion and hard work, I value it,” Says Hall. Dylan and Jena, who both live and work in Fernie will be racing for a top spot in the Royal Flush teams category.
Best For Last
Next August the Gravel Royale will finish in Fernie and Mark admits his town has been a little slow on the gravel curve. “There are just so many epic mountain bike trails. But gravel is something new, something fresh, which is cool.” Gearhub, which recently became a dealer for Felt bicycles, is planning for a big year of gravel. “We’re keen because it’s an emerging market for us.” Hall says it all comes down to synergy. “When I think about Fernie and this new race coming to town and what we could offer. With TransRockies involved, there’s so much success there. It’s all the right people. When you align all those things, well, I’m stoked.”
Stage 4 - Canal Flats to Fernie - 135 km / 84 mi. - 2,400m /7,900 feet of climbing
This is it - the final stage! It’s the longest stage with the most climbing, so it earns the designation of “Queen Stage”! That said, this stage is generally fast-rolling, with climbs that are less steep than on some of the previous stages. You will also see some of the most beautiful and remote places of the event! You’ve got this!
The first half of the stage will cover off the majority of the climbing for the day. Starting from Canal Flats you will retrace the Stage 3 finish, crossing the Kootenay River, then continuing to the south on the Kootenay Bypass Road to the Whiteswan Road. As you continue to climb, the road enters the Lussier River Canyon past Lussier Hot Springs (a popular spot for a soak). You will soon be riding past Alces Lake and then along spectacular Whiteswan Lake. Once you pass the lake you will be heading into the first Checkpoint at the 37km mark.
From this point you will be heading east up the smaller White-Blackfoot FSR. After the first 5km of climbing you will have a short descent down to Blackfoot Creek where you will begin the 20km climb to Blackfoot Pass. The road becomes less maintained until it is a grassy doubletrack over the gentle summit. The descent steepens at first as you drop into the Quinn Creek valley, but soon becomes less steep but still a fast descent down the valley. The road gradually becomes wider and more heavily travelled as you make your way to the Bull River, where you will continue descending to Checkpoint 2 just past the 100km mark.
From here you begin the final climb of the TransRockies Gravel Royale. 13.5km and 450m of climbing up the Sulphur Creek FSR lies between you and the Elk Valley. The climb starts gradually and becomes steeper as you near Hartley Pass. We plan to stop the clock at the top of the pass, neutralizing the 9km descent to Fernie in the valley below to allow everyone to take the final descent at a comfortable place. Six additional kilometers of pavement will take you into the City of Fernie and the final finish line!