Important Race Update

Dear TransRockies Gravel Royale Athletes:

According to an article published initially at 12:30 Pacific time today, Friday, 8-20 (that’s being updated regularly), the British Columbia Government has issued a new COVID-19 health mandate that states: “outdoor events will be capped at 100 people,” in the Interior Health Region going into effect on Monday, 8-23. 

On behalf of the entire TransRockies organization, please know that we are doing everything we can to ensure the best decision is made around this sudden change we’re being forced to address immediately just before our inaugural TransRockies Gravel Royale event. 

Given that our athletes are traveling, or will be soon, to our startline, we wanted to communicate with you as soon as possible. 

At this time, we have not made the decision to cancel, however, we are strongly leaning that way. 

Even without the challenges of today’s pandemic-related announcement, producing a four-day gravel stage race for 200+ people is complex. This is especially true for our small, independent company; we strive to raise the bar in all we do to deliver exceptional experiences for our athletes. Our events exemplify stellar community gatherings. Our athletes are the most important stakeholder to our company and our entire team and dozens of volunteers are committed to excellence for you. 

This new mandate could take a crucial element of control out of our hands, which we’re uncomfortable with, to say the least. What’s more, the mandate was issued and is being updated on the hour, which does not inspire trust in having any sort of consistency of how we will be able to serve our athletes through the event next week.

We will be back in touch with you within two-to-three hours with a final call. 

Please hit reply to this email, we are reading everything from our athletes that we receive, and know we are doing our very best to make the safest and smartest call. We also want to apologize to you for the stress this changed mandate is causing. 

More to come soon,

Aaron McConnell

President, TransRockies Race Series


Gravel Royale Postponed to 2022


Notes and Quotes from the Pro’s of The Gravel Royale