Notes and Quotes from the Pro’s of The Gravel Royale

 By: Marshall Opel 

Michael van dem Ham near Nipika, B.C.

Michael van dem Ham near Nipika, B.C.

Throughout these blogs we’ve insisted that beyond being prepared with the correct gear, there are a multitude of ways to enjoy the Gravel Royale. While on course, some folks will push big gears and drift turns. Some will be on the lookout for hips to huck, and still others will spin along merrily, perhaps stopping to pick huckleberries and take in the views. 

We recently caught up with a handful of riders who will be riding fast, really fast. But as you’ll see, they’re here for adventure and a good time. Michael van den Ham (MvdH)-professional cyclocross racer, 3X Canadian National Champion ‘17,’18’19. Peter Stetina (PS) Former WorldTour rider, winner of Belgium Waffle Ride ‘19, ‘21 and The LeadBoat Challenge ‘21, Shayna Powless (SP) professional road racer for Team Twenty24, and Matt Lieto (ML) former pro triathlete and elite gravel racer for Easton Overland. 

GR: How have you prepared for the Gravel Royale? 

MvdH- I haven’t raced yet this year. But I’ve been riding more than ever! 

PS- No specific preparation, I'm relying on my former career as a stage racer. That said, I’ve done a few more "blocks" of 3-4 solid rides in a row. 

SP-I've done a few other gravel races this year (most notably Unbound) which has helped me gain valuable gravel racing experience leading up to the Gravel Royale. I've also done a fair amount of gravel riding at home and have been incorporating some longer endurance rides into my training. 

ML- I had a hip replacement in March but I’ve got old man strength which is a blend of pain tolerance and wit. I’ll ride consistently and have fun. 

GR: What bike/ tires will you use? 

MvdH-Giant Revolt- I’m a cyclocross racer so I know that world. But I’m not trying to make gravel like CX. I’ll be on 50c Schwalbe G one tires, they might not be faster but they’re more comfortable and more fun. 

PS- I’ll be on my Canyon Grizl and I’ll show up with 2 sets of wheels. One with IRC Doublecross 42c and one with 38c. I will also bring a bottle of sealant and a spare set of rubber for camp. 

SP- I'll be using the Felt Breed gravel bike with Kenda FlintRidge Pro tires. 

ML- Cervelo Aspero. Running Schwalbe G One R’s with Cushcore’s. I’ll have double front rings- plenty of climbing gears.

GR: Give us some advice for newer gravel riders: 

MvdH: Go out with comfortable, rather than fast equipment. More rubber and more gearing is better. If your goal is to get to the finish line, be comfortable. 

PS- This event is summer camp for bike riders, finishing is the goal but there are a lot of folks to meet and lasting friendships to make as opposed to a one day event. 

SP- It's never too late to get into cycling! Riding with other people (family, friends, etc.), riding in a quiet place away from traffic, and making sure the bike fits properly will all help make the experience easy and enjoyable. 

GR: Have you ever been to the Kootenays? 

MvdH- I was there at the end of May, it’s amazing how quickly the weather can change out there! It was 30 degrees C and then clouds would roll in and it would be chilly! But I don’t think it will be like that in August. Hopefully it rains a bunch for forest fires. If you slow down and look around out there, it’s amazingly beautiful! 

PS- I’ve never done anything in BC, I cannot wait and that's precisely why I am attending! 

SP- No! I’m so excited! 

ML- No.Well I’ve driven through once. There was no one there. It’s endless, breathtaking. It’s a real reason why I want to be up there. It’s so unspoiled. 

GR: What aspects of the Gravel Royale are you most excited about? 

MvdH- I’m so impressed with how they created these routes to connect  mountain passes. I’m excited to see how everything fits together. 

PS-Just seeing the BC interior and also Canadian craft beer, camp better stock up! 

SP-I'm most excited about the spectacular views and climbing! I live in Florida where climbing is mostly non-existent, so I'm always excited about getting to ride in the mountains. 

ML-Honestly, camp. I’m excited to hang out with old friends and meet new ones. It's an adult summer camp. Gravel is finding adventures you wouldn’t do on your own. After a gravel race, I’m texting ten new people.  

GR: Special question for Michael: Can you beat Pete Stetina? 

MvdH- I can’t go uphill with him but the tech side of my game from MTB and CX is strong, hopefully strong enough to tip the scales in my favor. There's some techy stuff, if you can let go of the breaks, it can really help. There might be enough mixed terrain for that. 

GR:Are you treating this more as an adventure or a race? 

MvdH- Absolutely both, I’m excited to be out there camping, hanging out with everyone. It’s the first gravel race I’ve done in two years. I’m competitive though so when we line up, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a plan to win the first stage. 

PS- Both, we have a number plate on after all but the performance is secondary to the adventure. 

SP- I'll be treating this as both an adventure and a race! Really every race I do I see as a fun adventure. 

ML-It’s an adventure, but I know myself, if I have a number on, I’ll be racing.

GR: What stages/sections do you see as the crux zones of this race? 

MvdH-There’s at least one mountain pass every stage. Those are significant 20-30 minute climbs and will be make or break. Stage 1 has some really technical singletrack. Even if you lost a few minutes on the climb you might be able to make that up. Each pass is followed by a fast, tech descent.  

PS- I'll study the week before the race. 

SP- There is a lot of climbing each day, especially the last day. I think that every long climb as well as the descents that follow on each stage will be key to doing well in the race. 

ML-The first stage looks technical. It will catch some people off guard. I’ll be stoked to make it through all that smooth. I haven’t looked at the elevation profiles but I know it will be a challenge!

GR:What's your experience with backcountry riding? 

MvdH- I’m out of cell service 20 minutes from my house. 

PS-Loading a route on my Wahoo and watching it intently... 

SP- I have a pretty extensive mountain bike background (from before I switched to focusing on road racing) and have done more mountain bike races than I can count. My most recent mountain bike race was Cape Epic in 2019 and other recent backcountry events include a handful of gravel races I've done throughout this year. 

GR: What kind of wild/domesticated animals / sticky situations have you come across while gravel racing/riding lately? 

MvdH- My bear count this year is six, which is pretty normal. I ran into a herd of elk for the first time last week on Vancouver Island, that was cool. 

PS- Bears are common in Lake Tahoe, so I've chased them on singletrack a few times. But mostly I’m aware of the checked out local with a dog off leash. They're commonly seen worldwide and usually give no F’s as to what you're doing! 

SP-Thankfully I haven't come across any sticky situations regarding animals recently. Though I have been chased by dogs and have come across a sleeping alligator while riding in the past! 

ML-I’m always looking for stuff. If I see any animal on a gravel ride I’m waving at it or making noises at it. 

GR: Will you race with bear spray? Or a bear bell? 

MvdH- I’ll consider it. I carry bear spray with me fairly regularly. There’s a lot of bears out there. Even though there are hundreds of people, you could feel pretty alone out there if you are in between groups. 

PS-Bear Bell's may work but I'd likely go crazy after four days of this. 

SP- Absolutely. As well as a bear bell and whistle! 

ML-Pete needs bear spray. I’ll bring some for him. 

GR: What's one thing you’re packing that other folks should consider? 

MvdH-Yoga mat and bands. 

PS- Microfiber towel will dry fast, and a flask…

SP-The bear spray, bear bell, and whistle. This is the first time I've ever had to pack those things. I'd also say people should consider packing shoe covers. It's not the most common thing to pack especially during the summer, but they will be super useful in case it gets muddy. 

ML- I’m an old man so I’ve got a camping stool. Gummies of all sorts. Percy Pigs from the UK. 

GR: What's your plan for camp life? Will you be drinking beer and playing games or space booting in your tent? 

MvdH- If I’m riding three hours and I don’t have a beer I’m doing something wrong. If Valverde can have a beer after every Tour stage, I can too. 

PS-Beer and games, although I do need the pro stretch session nightly. Too many miles in this body. 

SP-My plan will be relaxation and recovery! All while having fun of course, minus the drinking (I'll save that for after the race). 

ML-I will have a beer in one hand and a message stick in the other-for survival. 

GR: Anything else you'd like to add? 

MvdH: I’m so excited! It’s been so long since I’ve done a gravel race. 

SP- I'm super excited and thankful to be able to compete in this amazing event! I've always wanted to visit BC, Canada, and I'm ecstatic about finally getting that chance. It's also been almost two years since I've travelled outside the U.S. due to COVID, so I'm especially thankful for the privilege to travel again. 

ML- If you see any Easton Overland folks, come over and have a beer with us! 


Important Race Update


Race Day Approaches!